Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day Twenty-Five: The Flight Home and Final Notes

So this is it: the last five photos from our European vacation. For those of you who have been following along, we hope you liked some of the pictures, and if anyone has been waiting until we finished to give these galleries a look, now is the time. We had an absolutely wonderful time in Europe - the trip of a lifetime, we kept reminding ourselves - and it has meant so much to us to have this opportunity to share our memories with all of you. Thank you all for your love, friendship, kind thoughts and support - if it wasn't for all the wonderful people in our lives State-side, we might not have come back! We love you guys.

Now, as for the galleries themselves: each day has been labeled and archived, so if you ever want to see any galleries that are no longer on the main page, or if you missed a day and you want to check it out, you can find it by clicking the archive links on the right side of the webpage. As for the blog posts themselves, please feel free to leave us any comments you want - we would love to know what you think about our pictures or about any questions you might have about the trip. We both love to hear from people! On that note, if we emailed you this web address, please feel free to share it with anyone who might be interested - there are many friends and family members whose email addresses we don't have on file...

But we're getting long-winded here - have fun with the photos and thank you for your interest.

Kenny and Meredith

Day Twenty-Five: Flight Home and Meredith in an Airport

1 comment:

Liza said...

You guys are just too cool! Your pictures are beautiful.